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Velta Technology & TXOne Networks offer Solution to Potential ICS & Revenue Disruption of Microsoft DCOM Hardening Patch

Dec 01, 2022

Velta Technology & TXOne Networks offer Solution to Potential ICS & Revenue Disruption of Microsoft DCOM Hardening Patch


IRVING, TEXAS. (December 1, 2022) ­­– Velta Technology and TXOne Networks Inc. are teaming to help organizations safeguard their industrial control systems (ICS) and avoid potential revenue disruptions ahead of an imminent Microsoft Windows Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) hardening patch enablement. In the absence of a proper mitigation strategy, the DCOM hardening patch could potentially shut down ICS equipment impacting plant production and operations.

Beginning March 14, 2023, the Microsoft hardening patch can no longer be disabled and will trigger a forced update which strengthens authentication between DCOM clients and servers. The patch is a core component of automation software products from companies such as Rockwell Automation, GE, Honeywell, Siemens, and others.

“Organizations whose revenue depends on the continuous function of operational technology are officially on the clock and need to have a solution in place before March 14,” said Craig Duckworth, President and Co-Founder of Velta Technology.

Velta Technology and TXOne Networks have come together to offer organizations a solution to allow time for a more permanent fix to the imminent patch. Without implementation of the interim solution, companies will be faced with needing to either replace hardware systems and associated software or identify and rewrite the code for every affected piece of equipment in their operational technology (OT) environments.

Velta Technology and TXOne Networks have partnered to provide a cost-effective and time-efficient interim solution that will maintain operations following the patch. Velta Technology’s industrial cybersecurity experts are utilizing TXOne Networks’ Stellar endpoint protection as a stopgap to the hardening patch, providing customers ample time to develop a more manageable, long-term solution.

“Our collaboration with Velta Technology surfaced the urgent market need for these DCOM-impacted operations,” said Jeff DePasse, Sr. Vice President of the Americas for TXOne Networks. “Velta Technology’s deep OT expertise paired with TXOne Networks’ Stellar technology creates this novel capability.”

Added Dino Busalachi, Chief Technology Officer and Velta Technology Co-Founder: “DCOM is embedded into most industrial control systems, and, unless you have an accurate asset inventory, this puts your plant floor at major risk for disruptions and outages. We are excited to partner with TXOne Networks to provide a unique, cost-effective stopgap that buys organizations valuable time to implement a permanent solution.”

To learn more about the DCOM patch, download our free ‘Get DCOM Ready’ Business Brief today.


About TXOne Networks Inc.

TXOne Networks Inc., offers cybersecurity solutions that ensure the reliability and safety of industrial control systems and operational technology environments through the OT zero trust methodology. TXOne Networks works together with both leading manufacturers and critical infrastructure operators to develop practical, operations-friendly approaches to cyber defense. TXOne Networks offers both network-based and endpoint-based products to secure the OT network and mission-critical devices in a real-time, defense-in-depth manner.


About Velta Technology

Velta Technology specializes in Digital Safety and Cybersecurity for the industrial space. They understand industrial assets and infrastructure and bridge the gap between Industrial IoT and OT/IT convergence. The Velta Technology team is comprised of multi-disciplinary industrial manufacturing and critical infrastructure experts. They understand the differences between industrial and IT infrastructures and the toolsets required to secure them. They partner with leading solution providers in the industrial space allowing them to integrate digital safety solutions, expertise and tools, with existing technologies. To learn more, visit

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